Languages I speak:English - FCE (C1)
Catalan - NativeJapanese - N5
Spanish - NativeFrench - B1

Comic artist / Illustrator

Hello, my name is Moth! I'm an amateur comic artist and I make illustrations every now and then.To view my art, check out my DeviantArt and GlobalComix accounts.

Best Pieces

You can click on any image to see the full piece.

Scolle is a fan comic of the Dofus series by Ankama.
This series is in no way official or related to Ankama.
It's an action-adventure fantasy that follows Scolle on his quest to become a Sram while working as a mercenary. He's tasked with capturing the other main character, Arty, who is accompanied by Vald- will he succeed?

Vol. 1: Arty and the 3 princesses